Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani qs
Bismillahir rahmaanir Raheem
Cor shalli 'alaa Muhammadin wa' alaa wa AALI Muhammadin sallim
Allah says in the Qur'an [9:109] 1 that if someone built his house on the cliff without a strong foundation, then the house will surely crumble. If someone is building the foundation of his house with good material, or on solid ground, layer after layer of well laid out, he will have a sturdy house. Everything needs an expert. If I say to you I was, "Can you make a home for us?" He will reply, "No, I'm not a carpenter." So we must call someone else and say, "Can you make a house to us because you are an expert." People it will answer, "All right! Here's the plan, we put a wall here, and here the foundation, right here cement and so on. " If you need an expert to build an ordinary house, what about your heart? How do you make an approach to the Lord without guided an expert? You should seek expert. You can not reach him without the help of a guide, no matter how hard you try to follow His path alone. No one can achieve it alone because sometimes even if someone knows that he is on the right track, he might do something that is not in place and time. Onwards, he will fail. So we really need the help of an expert and he will be our guide.
To reach God, you will not find its way across the desert in this life except with the help of a guide for the wind that comes from the desire of the ego and the desire to assert oneself can change everything. Ego has the desire. Winds from the empty ego is the desire and passion to stand out. When the desire arose, he would cover the right track so that you will get lost. You'll stop and do not know how to continue. That's why you need the help of a guide who really good at sailing the desert life. He is an expert in sailing routes ego. If you can not find it means a waste of time in trying to approach God in this life. Merciful God, because you try to reach him you will find him at the end of life even without the help of a guide, but you can not reach him quickly. Now you have lost time without significant progress, but as soon as you find a guide and you receive the guidance they provide, through the will of the ego and the desire to stand out, then you will get to the side Sebrang. Conversely, if you do not accept it, you'll get lost in the vast desert.
When the Messenger of Allah commanded to migrate from Mecca to Medina, he said, "I need a guide." He was an apostle, why would he need a guide? To teach us that although he was an apostle, he still needed a guide, an external guide who can show the way to Medina. For example, we want to show the way to Niagara Falls with our children, but we do not know the road leading to it, then we will look for an expert, who will not mislead us. He is an apostle but he was still looking for a guide, does he not know? Prophet 'Isa said, "One of you will menghianatiku." It is true, and as Muslims we must believe in it. He said 'one of you,' does he not know? He knew but did not say it. Messenger of Allah knows, but they (the Prophet Jesus and the Holy Prophet) wanted to show weakness and humility fully. He taught us to look for a guide. They need a guide to show the way from Mecca to Medina and with his help they can get in Madinah in safety.
If we need a guide to navigate the desert, what about our spiritual life? This is more difficult. You obviously need a guide to this problem. Prophet has a guide, the angel Gabriel gave him as an inspiration and convey revelation. In the event of Isra 'Mi `raj, the Prophet led to the Divine Presence. Externally So he needed a guide that is when migrated from Mecca to Medina and internally he also needed a guide, when moved towards his Lord on the night of Isra 'Mi'raj. Without a way impossible to migrate, you can not go anywhere without a road.
That is why every person should look for a guide to show the path of righteousness and the path to reality. Without a guide you will be in doubt, whether you're doing right or wrong. You would not know it. With this guide, you will depend on him because he is an expert. As has been said that the Messenger of Allah to take a guide to show the way to Medina. He did not say to him, "No! Why are you taking me to this path, not that it? "He hung himself to the pilot because of his expertise.
The guide that shows the road must be reliable. You can not take any guide, and admitted that he is guiding you. If you take a guide who was wrong, he might bring you into the ocean Satan. You will get lost in an ocean of hallucinations. Many people who follow this kind of guide, one day his followers will be experiencing hallucinations. What they saw was not there. Therefore the true guide is essential.
How can you recognize it? Grandsheikh once said that if you want to know whether someone is a true guide, first thing to do is look at its outer garments. Had she been wearing outerwear with full? If not, it means there is damage to his heart, and therefore do not follow him. Everything on a Sufi teacher, (we are talking about Sufism, not anything else) that does not comply with the dress and behavior of a true teacher, shows an imperfection or error. Grandsheikh said, "If you have a watch and clock internally it works 100% but do not have a needle, the clock can not show the time to you so that no benefit can be taken from him. Similarly, at which have a needle, but its internal mechanics are not working 100%, he is also unable to indicate the time is right for you. "So for a guide external and internal parts to be perfect.
We do not talk about ourselves. We follow our teachers. Was he guides us. He is working 100% either external or internal. We're just trying to follow it. That's why when we see someone and think whether he is a true guide, you should see that he has completed without any external parts shortage. If there is something missing, you do not follow it. When he lost one of its external means he has lost a lot of internal parts, which can not be known. You dress neatly, knowing that people see you. But when it comes to things that are not visible, you say, "Let it go, yet no one saw." If you lose an item of clothing a clear external people will see, it means you are 'not fit'. Especially when it comes to things that are not visible, it would be much more is missing. People like that can not be a true guide. He is a guide that is not connected. He could take you to a certain distance in the spiritual life, but he did not connect with a higher level again. True guide should have a complete exterior, no less one bit.
Grandsheikh say that it is the first step to determine a true guide. When you look at it and say, "He's already qualified," not the first test, but escaped from "the first criterion." Next, we review from the inside. How can you see the side of it? Grandsheikh said, "You should see that the person has respect for every person without the slightest discrimination, regardless of religion because every human being is a servant of the same God. The guide should respect it, firstly because all human beings were created by God and have the Divine Light in his heart. In addition, he also must have a sense of love towards them. Accept what she wants for her and for her children, to become and act on their behalf, although they are only people who have not become followers biasay. So he should be able to show respect and love to them. Third, he must show humility to them. He could not say that he is taller than them. No one was high except God. If he considers himself more highly than they mean he is like Satan who thinks he is taller than Adam.
The third criterion is the "accessories in the" held true guide. In the case of clothing she should have a complete outfit of a Sufi teacher. If a teacher you like that, then he is a true guide, then follow him. With him you will find contentment and find things that have been lost. If you do not find people like that, continue your search. You'll find it for Allah, the Merciful. When you see it, God will give. If you do not ask, God will not give. If you really, memohonlah with your hearts. You will find him and he will give the key to your heart. If you do not do it seriously, do not do it wholeheartedly, only on the tongue just maybe you will find it or maybe not.
Ahmad al-Badawi was a guardian who is very popular in all circles Sufi. He stated "I do not need a guide. Guide is the Qur'an, "as said by the Wahhabis now," ... and way of life of the Prophet. "He tried to approach the Lord as the Messenger of Allah said in the name of his Lord," My servant does not cease to approach Me through voluntary worship or acts well, until I love him. And if I love him, at that time I will be the ear used for hearing, eye wear to see, hands to feel, and legs to walk. If he asks, I will give. If he pleads for protection, I will protect him. I'll be him, and he can tell something, "Be!" So be it. "2 The people Wahhabis usually cut the last part of the Hadith, but we say it is complete.
Ahmad al-Badawi trying mendekatai Lord to reach the door of the Divine Presence, and then he said, "O my Lord! These doors open to me. "But he did not get a response. He tried it again and again until finally he met 'by accident' with someone. I say 'accidentally' but actually it has been planned very carefully, because it is the Will of God to the test. She met the man on the street, someone who seems ordinary. The man was then called, "Hey Ahmad!" Even he did not call it the "Sheikh Ahmad!" As a mark of respect. He said, "O Ahmad! You need a key to reach the Divine presence? I got a key and if you like, come to me and will give you. "
Many of us who reject the fact or reality because they feel proud, even though he knew in fact it is the right path. They did not accept because their ego says, "no!". Ego Ahmad said to him, "How can you accept something from him? Do not accept the keys from him. Receive from God. "Then he said," O Brother, I'm not going to accept the keys from you, nor from anyone else, except from the Key Maker. Who You are. You're nobody. "
Furthermore, Ahmad tried to reach the Divine Presence until he heard God speaking to him, "O Ahmad, life is life that contains the cause and effect. I'm not going to give you the key. In accordance voluntarily lock you be the man. Go out and get the key from him. "Now the question is finished. He heard it directly from their Lord, and he accepted it. Now he must find his guide. But the guide had vanished. She had left him. During the six months was observed liver Ahmad guides in secret, seeing that he looked and prayed to God day and night, "O my Lord send that person back to me," until finally he could find it again. With the man immediately opened the veil that is on him during this.
So the guide opened the curtain and shows itself in the face of Ahmad. Ahmad said, "O Shaykh! I found you. "He did not find it but that eliminates the pemandulah tabirnya. But still, he thought he had found it. He said, "O Shaykh, I accept you as my guide." The guide replied, "If you accept me as pemandumu now, you have to let go, surrender, and surrender all your will to me. You are not allowed to have the will for with me. You have to build science knowledge on a reef with only one blast of wind from the ego, he would fall. I have to build a strong foundation for you. So, look into my eyes. "Ahmad looked into his eyes and guide it to immediately remove all the knowledge that has been studied by Ahmad al-Badawi from the book. "Through the book" meaning there are many things that come from the author's ego. Then he removes it from the heart of knowledge Ahmad and then disappeared. He left it for 6 months even in a state of not knowing how to say, "bismillahir rahmaanir Raheem," even without knowing how to pronounce God's name.
People in town are now mocking Ahmad al-Badawi, who seems like a crazy person after previously become a leading cleric. Because of the limitations of their spiritual knowledge, they thought that he was really sick. All they know is that he followed the man who made him mad, but Ahmad al-Badawi knew that he had heard the voice of his Lord who said, "your keys on the man." No one made him mad. He followed the man. But when he received it from the beginning, when the guide came for the first time on the Will of God, he should not pass this exam. So why do you make yourself you must pass the same exam? When you find the truth, a true guide, take him immediately! Do not play around with your ego.
He left it for 6 months and came back at another time. During that time Ahmad al-Badawi had to search and when he met again, Ahmad al-Badawi said, "O Shaykh, I found you again." At that time, the guide looked into the eyes Ahmad al-Badawi and radiate something from the depths of his heart to the heart Ahmad al-Badawi through his eyes. When that happens the internal knowledge transfer, knowledge of the Book of Allah and its mysteries. The guide had to do it 3 times through the eyes of Ahmad al-Badawi emit light so powerful that even people who see it can be killed. Therefore, he covered his face with a veil. At that time he could enter the Divine Presence, and he received the key.
Without the help of a true guide you will not be able to achieve His Presence. He will open the door for you wherever you will go. Ahmad al-Badawi was a great scholar who knew many things. He was proud of his knowledge, and not take lessons from others. He would only take a position directly from the Most High. He did not see anything higher than himself, except God. How could she would take lessons from someone else? Means nothing to her humble nature. He has lost one of the three characteristics required by the servants of God. He has the respect, he also loves his fellow man, but he did not have the humility to accept advice from others. And because he has lost one characteristic that, as if he was not progressing anymore.
A mayor, a teacher must have the characteristics of respect, love and humility. If you see one of them does not exist, then he is not a true guide. He's just going to take you to a certain distance as we see in self-Ahmad al-Badawi who could reach God to some extent, but can not open it. He needs someone who has the key but when it was discovered he did not receive it directly because of his pride. He's too much thinking of her. Finally he accepted also after hearing directly from their Lord, but he had to pass certain exams. If at first he received it directly without going through a sense of pride to him, the door was open to him immediately without having to pass the test for 2 years.
If you find a guide and your heart feel happy with her presence, do not listen to your ego. Tell your ego, "You're wrong! What harm if I take it as a teacher? "You will not lose anything. When you show the nature of humility, it is enough for God to raise you. If I come and say, "Si Anu and John Doe" was the Sheikh I, and I have berbay'at with him. What's wrong? I accept it and I show humility, God will raise My.
Having the nature of humility is very important. If you are humble, you will receive all people because each person can be a guide for you. There is a proverb in Turkish in the form of a question to someone who is good, "Where'd you learn to perfect behavior in society?" He replied, "Of the people who are guilty. I watched him, saw the mistakes they do then I avoid it. So I can improve myself through someone else's fault. "If you can accept all people as your guide, even a bad person can memandumu. By observing and see the mistakes he did, you stopped.
Translated from
Selasa, 15 Februari 2011
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