Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

History of Mohammed Abdul Wahab

Historical summary.
Mohammed Abdul Wahab was the builder of Wahhabi movement. He was born in villages' Iniyah in Najd in 1115 H and H tahun1206 died at the age of 91 years. At that time the Hijaz region, including Mecca and Medina beraad under the rule of Sharif-Sharif of Mecca, under the auspices of the Turkish empire Othmaniah.
He studied religion beginning level than his father, Abdul Wahab, a scholar 'Expert-Sunnah Wal Jamaat. Then give the name "Wahabiah" in the movement of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab is something wrong, faucets Abdul Wahab (father) is the clerics' Expert Sunnah, not berfahaman "Wahabiah".

Also a brother named Suleiman bin Abdul Wahab was a scholar 'Expert-Sunnah Wal Jamaat also, do not accept Wahhabi ideology.

At the time of adolescence, Abdul Wahab went on the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina religious visit to the station of Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him and returned to the Najd after the pilgrimage.
He came back to Makkah to resume pelajarannya.Dia stay in Mecca and Medina as a student.

On this second time, he stumbled on the books of Ibni Taymiyyah, which forbids "Tawasul and Istighatsah", which forbids travel-pilgrimage to the maqam maqam maqam although the Prophet and saints, and also he tercangkuk with lessons Ibni Taymiyyah on "God above" and "God cross-legged" and so forth.

Then he becomes for a 'cult' Ibni Taymiyah with the real meaning of the word truth even more than Ibni Taymiyah Taymiyah own.

Mentioned in the book "Munjid" page 568 ertinya: Wahabiah is a party of firqah Islamiyah, was built by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab (1702-1787). His opponent called it Wahabiah, but his followers named their movement with the name "Muwahhidun". In Feqah they adhere to the Hanbali madhhab adapted to the interpretation Ibni Taymiyyah.

Description "Munjid" is not all true. Ulama'-scholars' Wahhabi maraah if they were not given the title of "Wahhabi"; even those who have a book titled "Al-Hidayatul Saniah Waltahfatul Wahabiatul-Najdiyah".

Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab 'open eyes' and he's a lot of charities that unlicensed melihaaaat worship Muslims in Medina against the Sunnah of the Apostle by Taimiyyahnya glasses, for instance berbundung menziareahi-bundung to Medina the Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him grave, grave Saidina Hamzah at Uhud, the tomb of Siti Khatijah Al-Mu'la and others graveyard. These are all "heresy" he said.

And he hated to see someone praying in front of station of the Prophet in Medina overlooking the grave of the Prophet, rather than facing the Ka'ba. It also "Shirk" he said.
Then he heard people say "O Messenger of Allah" before the station of the Prophet. It also "Shirk" he said.

Angry to see it all so he returned to the village 'Iniyah in Najd and open and direct pengajiannya memfatwakan that free trip is a pilgrimage to the Maqam of Prophet ma'siat. Residents of this village do not accept the fatwa and he was expelled by the ruler of his village.

Then he went to Basyrah, Iraq. He tried also issued a fatwa-fatwa that odd-gajil it; so that expelled more than Basyrah.Dia intends to continue his journey to Baghdad dab Syria but did not have a wang (Prolegomena Book Kasyaful-doubtful, written by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, page 4).

So he went to seek refuge in Punguasa Hasa Hasa, his name is Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul Latif; but then this ruling does not throw too kerana approve recitation recitation Mohammed bin Abdul-Wahab this.

In short wherever he goes eventually expelled sake only a result of the fatwa-fatwa that one-one, different from the fatwas' ulama 'are prevalent when itu.Desanya own,' Iniyah, Basyrah and Hasa not accept it.

Own brother named Suleiman bin Abdul Wahab authored a book to reject the Wahabi fatwas of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab. The book is called: "Al-Sawa 'iqul-fil-Ardhi Muharrakah' Alal-Wahabiah" (Thunder that burns to reject the ideology of Wahabiah).

Then Muhammad bin Abd Wahab move to a country called "Dar'iyah". Dar'iyah king's name was Muhammad bin Sa'ud. So berjumpalah in Dar'iyah two 'Mohammed' namely Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab and Muhammad ibn Sa'ud. A mutual need requires.
Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab need a ruler that can help protect 'da'wah'nya, kerana he could not bear being chased and hunted by authorities didiaminya country.

Medium Mohammed bin Saud as ruler in Ra'Iyah requires also a side dish 'that can fill people with religious lessons that can build up kearajaannya.
From when it united with the Wahhabi religious power 'Sa'udi' or 'Al-Sa'ud' or 'Ibni Sa'ud'.

(Excerpt from the Issue of Religion-chaplain Sirajuddin Hj Abbas)
FROM:elank chakti.wordpress

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